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Understanding Roof Warranties: What They Cover and What to Look For

When it comes to understanding roof warranties, a little bit of knowledge can go a long way in preventing potential headaches and expenses down the line. Roofing can be a significant investment, and warranties are a crucial part of that investment. But what exactly do these warranties cover, and what should you be looking for in a good one?

Protect your roofing investment with a good warranty – understand the types of warranties, their costs, and what’s covered. Keep records of the warranty, maintenance activities & repairs. Read the warranty carefully before signing off to protect yourself from unexpected expenses.

Understanding Roof Warranties: What They Cover and What to Look For


What is a Roof Warranty?

A roof warranty is a guarantee provided by the roofing manufacturer or contractor that the roof system will perform as intended for a certain period. Usually, these warranties are either transferable or non-transferable and can last anywhere from five to 50 years depending on your specific product.

A transferable warranty can be transferred to a new owner if you sell your home, while a non-transferable warranty is only valid for the original homeowner. It’s important to make sure you understand what type of roof warranty you are getting and how long it will last.

When it comes to understanding the different types of roof warranties, there are three main kinds: system warranties, workmanship warranties, and manufacturer warranties.

What is a Roof Warranty


Types of Roof Warranties

Choosing a new roof for your home is a significant investment, and understanding the different types of warranties available can help you make an informed decision and protect that investment. Let’s explore the main types of roof warranties you may encounter.


Manufacturer’s Material Warranty

This type of warranty is provided by the manufacturer of the roofing materials. It covers defects in the roofing materials themselves, such as shingles or tiles. However, it doesn’t cover installation errors or damages caused by external factors like severe weather.

Manufacturer's Material Warranty


Workmanship Warranty

Workmanship warranties are offered by the roofing contractor and cover errors in the installation process. If your roof fails due to poor installation, this warranty should cover the cost of repairs or replacement. The length of these warranties can vary, so be sure to clarify this with your contractor.

Workmanship Warranty


Full System Warranty

A full system warranty is often the most comprehensive option. It typically covers both the materials used and the workmanship. Some full system warranties may also include other components of the roof, such as flashing and underlayment. These warranties are usually provided by the manufacturer but require installation by a certified contractor.

Full System Warranty


Extended Warranty

Some manufacturers or contractors offer extended warranties for an additional cost. These can cover your roof for a longer period or offer more comprehensive coverage. They might be worth considering if you want extra peace of mind.

Extended Warranty


Understand the Cost of a Roof Warranty

When it comes to home improvement projects, investing in a new roof is one of the most significant expenses homeowners face. To protect this investment, many opt for a roof warranty. But how much does a roof warranty cost and what factors influence this cost?


Included vs. Additional Cost

Typically, basic material warranties provided by manufacturers are included in the cost of the roofing materials. These warranties cover any defects in the materials themselves.

On the other hand, workmanship warranties offered by contractors might come at an additional cost. The price can vary depending on the scope of the warranty and the contractor’s policies.

Extended warranties or full system warranties, which provide more comprehensive coverage, are usually available for an extra fee. The cost of these warranties can depend on various factors, including the type of roofing material used, the size of the roof, and the specifics of the warranty agreement.

Included vs. Additional Cost


Factors Affecting Cost

Several factors can affect the cost of a roof warranty:

  • Roof Size and Complexity: Larger or more complex roofs may require a more expensive warranty due to the increased amount of work and materials covered.
  • Materials Used: High-end roofing materials may come with pricier warranties, reflecting the higher replacement cost of these materials.
  • Coverage Length: Warranties that offer longer coverage periods typically cost more.
  • Warranty Specifics: The cost can also depend on the specific terms of the warranty, such as whether it covers both materials and workmanship, if it’s transferable to new owners, etc.

Factors Affecting Cost


Know What’s Not Covered By Your Roof Warranty

Understanding what’s not covered by your roof warranty is as important as knowing what is covered. Here are some common exclusions you might find in a typical roof warranty:


Improper Installation

Many warranties, especially those covering materials, do not cover damages resulting from improper installation. This means if the materials were installed incorrectly and caused a problem, the warranty may not cover it.

Improper Installation


Maintenance and Repairs

Roof warranties often do not cover regular maintenance tasks or minor repairs. Homeowners are expected to maintain their roofs properly to prevent damage.

Maintenance and Repairs


Severe Weather and Natural Disasters

Damage caused by severe weather conditions like hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, or earthquakes is typically not covered by a roof warranty. These are usually covered by homeowners’ insurance instead.

Severe Weather and Natural Disasters


Pre-Existing Conditions

If your roof had pre-existing issues or damage before the new materials were installed or the warranty was issued, these will typically not be covered.

Pre-Existing Conditions


Consequential Damages

Most roof warranties do not cover any consequential or interior damages caused by roof leaks or defects such as carpets, walls, ceilings, equipment, etc.

Consequential Damages


Other Exclusions

Some warranties may exclude specific types of damage, such as ponding water, wind speeds beyond a certain limit, or damage caused by foot traffic on the roof.

Other Exclusions


Choose a Reliable Contractor to Install Your Roof

Choosing a reliable contractor to install your roof is crucial to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your roofing system. Start by seeking recommendations from friends, family, or online reviews to find reputable contractors in your area. Verify their credentials, including licenses, insurance, and certifications.

It’s also important to consider their experience, particularly with the type of roofing material you’ve chosen for your home. Ask for references and inspect their previous work if possible. Discuss your project in detail, ensuring they understand your needs and expectations. Also, make sure they provide a detailed estimate, including the cost of materials, labor, and any additional fees.

Their willingness to communicate and transparency about costs can be a good indicator of their reliability. Lastly, find out if they offer a workmanship warranty, which can provide additional peace of mind. Remember, quality workmanship can make a significant difference in the durability and lifespan of your roof.

Choose a Reliable Contractor to Install Your Roof


Keep Records Of Your Roof Warranty and Maintenance Requirements

Maintaining proper records of your roof warranty and maintenance requirements is essential in ensuring your roof’s longevity and integrity. Here’s why:


Importance of Documenting Your Roof Warranty

Your roof warranty serves as a protection plan for your roofing investment, covering you against material defects or installation errors. Keep a copy of this document safe and accessible. It should include the warranty’s duration, what it covers (materials, workmanship, or both), and any specific conditions or exclusions.

Importance of Documenting Your Roof Warranty


Record Maintenance Activities

Regular maintenance is crucial to keep your roof in good condition and is often a requirement to keep your warranty valid. Document each maintenance activity, noting the date, what was done, and by whom. This record can serve as proof that you’ve met the warranty’s maintenance requirements.

Record Maintenance Activities


Document Repairs

If your roof requires repairs, document these thoroughly. Include the nature of the problem, how it was fixed, and the cost involved. Retain copies of all invoices and receipts.

Document Repairs


Organize and Store Documents

Create a dedicated file or digital folder to store all documents related to your roof. This includes the warranty, maintenance records, repair invoices, and any correspondence with the manufacturer or contractor.

Organize and Store Documents


Read Your Roof Warranty Carefully Before Signing Off On It

Before you sign off on a roof warranty, it’s crucial to read it carefully. This document outlines the terms and conditions under which your roof is covered for defects or damages. Understanding these terms can save you from unexpected expenses down the line. Pay attention to what exactly is covered, whether it’s just the materials, the workmanship, or both.

Look out for any exclusions or limitations. Also, note the warranty duration and any maintenance requirements you must fulfill to keep the warranty valid. Remember, a well-understood warranty can provide peace of mind and protect your roofing investment.

Read Your Roof Warranty Carefully Before Signing Off On It


In conclusion

Understanding roof warranties is essential when it comes to protecting your home and your wallet. Knowing what is covered and what to look for can help you avoid unpleasant surprises and unexpected expenses down the line.

Keep in mind that not all warranties are created equal, and it’s important to carefully read and understand the terms and conditions before signing any contracts.

Remember to ask questions, do your research, and choose a reputable roofing contractor who offers a comprehensive warranty that covers both labor and materials.

More Roofing Info
What Is a Roof Ridge?

A roof ridge is the highest point on a roof, forming a horizontal line where two roof slopes meet.